Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Breaking Barriers, Facilitating Futures
February 1 to 7, 2024

Eating Disorders affect people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages, socioeconomic class, abilities, races, and ethnic backgrounds. That is why, from February 1st to 7th every year, Eating Disorder groups across Canada unite to commemorate Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) with a national week of action focused on educating the public about Eating Disorders.

It is a time to escalate awareness of the impact of Eating Disorders, the dangerous stereotypes and myths, and the supports available for people living with or affected by them.

EDAW is a collective effort, from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Organizations around the country are set to host local events, light notable landmarks in the colour purple, and engage in public education campaigns.

EDAW 2024 materials were created collaboratively by Body Brave, Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association, Eating Disorders Nova Scotia, Looking Glass Foundation, Prairie Mountain HealthNational Eating Disorder Information Centre, Sheena's Place, Waterloo-Wellington Eating Disorders Coalition, and Vancouver Island Voices for Eating Disorders

This year's campaign, Breaking Barriers, Facilitating Futures, aims to focus our attention on under-recognized barriers that people face when accessing care for their eating disorder, which contribute to ongoing cycles of shame and struggle. Our hope is for these educational materials to better inform care providers and healthcare systems of these challenges, and offer strategies borne from lived experience that aim to facilitate future dialogue, healthcare practice, and outcomes that meet the needs of all who are affected. 

Educational materials

This year, we're hoping to spread public awareness and education about three main messages:

  1. Food insecurity, resulting from conditions of poverty, scarcity, and colonialism, is on the rise and has many mental health impacts on someone experiencing an eating disorder.
  2. People rarely experience eating disorders in isolation; rather, many have been impacted by trauma and experience co-occurring challenges. Providing trauma-informed care is a living practice that needs to grapple with this reality when supporting someone affected with an eating disorder.
  3. Gender-affirming care is an essential component of person-centred care for an eating disorder.

Help spread this information with people who matter to you and contribute your perspective to the community conversation by using #EDAW2024 on all platforms. 

Click here to download materials for people with lived and living experience of an eating disorder, those supporting them, and the general public.

Click here to download materials for healthcare providers and healthcare decision makers. 

Community rooms

In these two-hour community rooms, people with living and lived experience with an eating disorder will work together collectively to map their journey towards accessing “help”, connect with others across the country who might have similar experiences, and affirm that they are not “too complex”, “too much”, or have “failed treatment”. 

Register (free)

BANA Be Yourself Magazine

The BANA Be Yourself Magazine – is a free, mental health and wellness publication from the Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association. 

We are pleased to partnered with NEDIC and service providers across Canada to offer this Special Edition for Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024.

Follow the link at for your online copy today.

Read the magazine


We have compiled a list of events happening during EDAW across the country, from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Learn more about events happening near you!


This work would not be possible without the support of our partners around the country. 
Please visit their websites to find more information and local support:

Alyssa Stevenson Memorial Trust - Manitoba

Anorexia and Bulimia Québec (ANEB) - Québec

Body Brave - Ontario

BridgePoint Center for Eating Disorders - Saskatchewan

Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) - Ontario

Danielle's Place - Ontario

Eating Disorder Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador - Newfoundland and Labrador

Eating Disorders Nova Scotia - Nova Scotia

Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta (EDSNA) - Alberta

F.E.A.S.T. - Global

Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre - Ontario

Jessie's Legacy - British Columbia

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre - British Columbia

Looking Glass Foundation for Eating Disorders - British Columbia

National Initiative for Eating Disorders - Ontario

Sheena’s Place - Ontario

Silver Linings Foundation - Alberta

Waterloo-Wellington Eating Disorders Coalition (WWEDC) - Ontario

WaterStone Foundation - Ontario

Women’s Health Clinic - Manitoba